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Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries game

Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries

Genre: Hidden Object

This is the story about young girl, who suffers from the awful nightmares. After the death of her father this nightmares appear more often and become more realistic! Help her to understand the meaning of this nightmares and find all hidden objects in exciting game Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries! You may download free the game Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries and enjoy the fantastic plot and interesting gameplay! Have a good time!

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This game is also available for : iPad & iPhone

If you need help in solving a certain puzzle or finding a quest item, you can download for free our strategy guide for Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries. Get a detailed walkthrough on how to complete all levels without missing a single secret option of the game absolutelly for free!



Big Fish Games goes on cooking new and new hidden object games. So, Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries is the latest hidden object adventure which tells us a spooky story about young girl.  .. Read more

The title sounds good but do not be deluded into false hopes by this game’s meaningless promises. The basic storyline is interesting, but it seems as if it will be a rather short game. Honestly, it looks more like of beginners delight as mini-games and puzzles are too easy for game old birds. Finally, all hidden object scenes overcrowded with items looks rather rough and dirty. Moreover, if spot-the-difference gameplay is not a favorite of yours, Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries will annoy you pretty soon.

Actually, this game is not in the least different from similar titles. Absolutely lacking in creation and hence innovation, the goes through the traditional hidden object routine, used, overused and even abused. Repetitive gameplay has no replay value and makes you yawn more than once. We have already pointed the short game length; however, the absence of time lets you go your own pace, so if you do not speed through the game it might last you about three hours.       

Except for the well-drawn graphics the game hardly would be worthy of notice. The developers deserve credit for creating a creepy atmosphere, weird scenery that is reminiscent of the non-sensual nature of dreams, and haunting music. Still, Doors of the Mind: Inner Mysteries is bound to leave many pro players starving but may satisfy those who have never tried this sort of games. All in all, we would like to advise Big Fish Games team to focus on quality and not just quantity.