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Africa’s Reality in Soldiers Inc Online MMO Strategy Game

Posted on December 15, 2015 in Game News
Africa’s Reality in Soldiers Inc Online MMO Strategy Game

The game set in Africa presents a few surprises: there is the setting, which tosses aside the genre's reliance of fantasy tropes and sci-fi trappings for a roughly contemporary setting in Africa in 2019 in the fictional Republic of Zandia, and apparently things go so badly in the next couple of years that corporate armies from multiple countries are fighting over resources across the savanna.

Through the game a menacing figure calling himself Mr. Black guides you through tutorial missions, all of Mr. Black's lines are spoken by a competent voice actor, lending Soldiers Inc a degree of immersion that is often absent in games like this.

But if you're familiar with many of Facebook's other social strategy games, particularly those developed by Plarium you can probably guess where things go from here. Soldiers Inc. quickly opens into the familiar tasks of building bases, collecting resources, and engaging in a few PvP battles.

During the game you will receive reminders to speed up construction, healing, and training abound around every corner, although naturally the ability to join alliances with other players eases some of the burden.

All this unfolds against a backdrop that is detailed models for military encampments and vehicles clashing with an interesting color palette and a remarkable UI design. The music that accompanies the player during the game is really good, this audio design, allows each player to venture into the Republic of Zandia with a feeling of anticipation and adventure.

Soldiers Inc. does its job well by playing by the genre's established rules, and it is currently not hard to find other players to form alliances with on account of the hundreds of thousands of people who play this game every day. The game can be played both in Plarium browser online and in Facebook for free.
