Thousands of farming games have already been created. They slightly differ from each other. Some of the farm simulators try to make gameplay more realistic. On the contrary, another type of this kind of Time Management games is meant to simplify the manual labour by decreasing the collateral operations, such as watering, collecting, etc. Today we are going to describe the representative of the second type titled as TV Farm 2. It is the sequel of the well-known TV Farm made by A2 Entertainment. Does it manage to surpass the predecessor? Let us try to answer this question in the following review... Read more
Let us begin with the plot. The sequel’s storyline has something in common with the first TV Farm. Though, the main characters are different. TV Farm 2 wants you to gain a TV show star rank by means of participating in farm competition. The winner gets the personal farm. In order to win you must prosper in various farming areas. They differ from each other by seasons, climatic zones and landscapes. According to this, we are given frozen soil, dry desert, rocky territory, etc. In addition to this, the sorts of plants and produced goods vary from farm to farm. You need to apply a strategy thinking to figure out the way to success in the presented locations. Fortunately, detailed and useful tutorial will help you to overpass most of the difficulties. Right from the start, you are given one farm, not numerous staff and list of goals. The gameplay includes the standard routine of any farm simulator: planting, building and selling the produced items. It is impossible to forget about the most important limiting device of any Time Management game – the time. However, TV Farm 2 offers a tender version of the time limit. No need to hurry up! We can assure you, it is possible to complete all tasks ignoring the acceleration. But if you want to earn the gold reward and greater score, you must be quicker! Scoring points help upgrade your farm and make farm labour easier. The level difficulty increases according to your progress. In comparison with the previous TV Farm, the current will not force you to fulfill the “unnecessary” tasks. There is no more crop watering. Also, you do not have to collect the finished products one by one – this procedure goes automatically now. These features will please those gamers who are not enthusiastic about meaningless extra clicking.
The visual aspect is well developed as against some other farming games. The color scheme may be characterized as lush and bright. In spite of presented details are small, they are perfectly distinguishable on the screen. Apparently, A2 Entertainment team has put the efforts to make the world of TV Farm 2 as real as possible. We appreciate it. Sound effects as well as background music leave no chance to give rise to unfavourable criticism. Probably the birds’ tweet may annoy you. In this case, you should arm yourself with patience or press the mute button.
In order to answer the question we have brought up for discussion, we must summarize everything. All in all, TV Farm 2 has fair chances to become the most remarkable farm simulator among the Time Management genre. The interface is user-friendly, graphics are amazing and the gameplay is quite challenging. What else do the true farming game goer need? Taking into a consideration a “buggy” presentation of the predecessor, we can say TV Farm 2 has surpassed it with success! Have no doubt and try this game at home! Roll up your sleeves and become a star of TV Farm 2!